Anti-Spam Policy


Whenever you see the the words “We”, “Us” or “Our” on this page, they refer to and our Apps (hereinafter the “Services”); Motion Picture Space International, LLC, the owner of the Services, and our Subsidiaries.


Zero-Tolerance Anti-Spam Policy

We have a Zero-Tolerance Anti-Spam Policy.

When you subscribe to use our Services, you are only permitted to use the Services as follows:

  • If you are an Actor / Background Artist: to create and showcase your personal profile and your portfolio / reel for others to view and contact you if they are interested in your services.
  • If you are a Service Provider / Vendor: to create and showcase your business profile and your products or services for others to view and contact you if they are interested in your products or services.
  • If you are Seeking Products or Services: to search and contact the individuals or entities that provide the products or services that you are seeking.

You are not permitted contact other subscribers, individuals, or entities that utilize the Services or through the Services, whether personally, through your employees, or using an automated method, in order to offer your products or services, solicit business, or send any unwanted, unexpected, or unsolicited messages or phone calls.

Any violation of this Anti-Spam Policy may result in suspension and/or termination of your account.


Report Abuse

We have an Anti-Spam Policy that prohibits our Subscribers from sending you any unsolicited, unwanted or unexpected messages using our Services (called “Spam”). If you discover that one of our Subscribers is sending you Spam, please report it to our Abuse Department immediately.

Upon receipt of your report, we will notify the Subscriber of the complaint and investigate the Subscriber’s use of our Services. Your information will not be disclosed to the Subscriber, it will be kept confidential unless disclosure is required by law or court order.